1. Buccaneers 96.500 2. Atlanta CV 94.762 3. Caballeros 93.925 4. White Sabers 91.000 5. Bushwackers 90.325 6. Fusion Core 88.800 7. Cincinnati Tradition 85.750 8. Hurricanes 83.650 9. Southern Knights 77.475 10. Sunrisers 75.475
Tag: dca
Drum Corps Associates
2019 DCA A Class Preliminaries
1. Carolina Gold 82.250 2. Skyliners 80.900 3. Govenaires 76.800 4. Columbus Saints 68.675
2019 DCA Mini-Corps
1. Freelancers 97.17 2. Star United 95.17 3. Brig Juice 93.00 4. Bridgemen 91.67 5. Sine Wave 88.33 6. Tri-Valley Brass 87.67 7. Warriors 78.83 8. Free Players 73.50
Southern Showdown (2019)
1. Atlanta CV 93.700 2. Southern Knights 73.000
Big Sound in Motion (2019)
Open Class 1. Buccaneers 93.850 2. Bushwackers 87.250 3. Fusion Core 87.150 4. White Sabers 86.000 A Class 1. Skyliners 77.800
Fanfare: Thunder in the Valley (2019)
1. Caballeros 93.150 2. Hurricanes 82.950 3. Sunrisers 73.600
Carolina Gold Invitational (2019)
A Class 1. Carolina Gold 75.750
Bush at the Bridge (2019)
1. Buccaneers 91.650 2. Caballeros 90.050 3. Bushwackers 84.850 4. Fusion Core 83.500 5. White Sabers 82.600
Drum Corps Expo (2019)
A Class 1. Govenaires 69.150
The March of Champions (2019)
1. Caballeros 85.850 2. White Sabers 80.850 3. Bushwackers 80.850 4. Fusion Core 80.250 5. Hurricanes 76.750 6. Sunrisers 67.200