1990 DCI Open Class Championship Semifinals

Buffalo, NY
August 17, 1990

 1. Cadets               96.8
 2. Cavaliers            96.2
 3. Star of Indiana      95.4
 4. Blue Devils          95.3
 5. Phantom Regiment     94.1
 6. Santa Clara Vanguard 94.0
 7. Madison Scouts       90.8
 8. Crossmen             90.6
 9. Bluecoats            90.3
10. Velvet Knights       88.5
11. Spirit of Atlanta    86.9
12. Dutch Boy            86.3
13. Blue Knights         85.4
14. Boston Crusaders     85.1
15. Freelancers          84.1
16. Magic of Orlando     83.2
17. Troopers             79.4

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