2000 DCI Division III Championship Prelims

Westminster, MD
August 8, 2000

 1. Seattle Cascades         90.55
 2. Americanos               90.25
 3. Cincinnati Glory         88.80
 4. General Butler Vagabonds 88.50
 5. Blue Stars               89.55
 6. Capital Regiment         83.85
 7. Les Senateurs            82.65
 8. Teal Sound               81.70
 9. Lake Erie Regiment       81.35
10. Knight Storm             80.85
11. West Coast Sound         80.80
12. Raiders                  80.75
13. Phoenix                  79.75
14. Tampa Bay Thunder        79.55
15. Legend of Texas          73.15
16. Cadets of New York City  68.70
17. HYPE                     68.40
18. Edmonton Strutters       65.10
19. Quest                    64.95
20. Bandettes                63.80
21. Delta Brigade            63.80
22. Emerald Knights          61.40
23. Spectrum                 60.75
24. Sentinelles              60.55
25. Kips Bay Crusaders       57.50
26. Spirit of Newark         56.50
27. Racine Scouts            55.85
28. Silver Knights           45.70
29. Decorah Kilties          43.95
30. Joliet Kingsmen          43.55
31. Scenic City              42.20
32. Royal Knights            32.45

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