1974 DCI World Championship Prelims

Ithaca, NY
August 16, 1974

 1. Madison Scouts           87.75
 2. Anaheim Kingsmen         86.85
 3. Santa Clars Vanguard     86.60
 4. Kilties                  84.45
 5. Troopers                 84.40
 6. DeLaSalle Oaklands       84.00
 7. Muchachos                83.05
 8. Phantom Regiment         81.80
 9. Cavaliers                81.65 
10. Purple Lancers           81.60 
11. Blue Devils              80.55 
12. Blue Stars               79.40 
13. Falcon Cadets            76.95 
14. Commodores               76.70 
15. Black Knights            76.45 
16. Blue Rock                75.90 
17. Royal Crusaders          75.75 
17. Regiment Militaire       75.75 
19. Garfield Cadets          75.15 
20. 27th Lancers             73.05  
20. Percussion-naut Pats     72.05 
22. Pioneer                  71.10 
23. Beverly Cardinals        70.45 
24. Squires                  70.15 
25. Precisionaires           70.10 
26. St. Andrews Bridgemen    69.40 
27. Valley Grenadiers        69.25 
28. Saint Francis Sancians   68.80 
29. Americanos               68.05 
30. Pembroke Imperials       67.45 
31. Marion Cadets            67.10 
32. New London Surfers       66.15 
33. Argonne Rebels           65.30 
34. Toronto Optimists        64.60 
35. Audobon Bon Bons         64.35 
36. Charioteers              63.75 
37. Boston Crusaders         62.60 
38. Grenadiers               62.50 
39. Guardsmen                61.00 
40. Belvederes               60.75 
41. General Butler Vagabonds 60.25 
42. CMCC Warriors            59.65 
42. Gauchos                  59.65 
44. Emerald Knights          56.60 
45. Iron Brigade             55.20 
46. Saginaires               54.60 
47. Sir Thomas More          51.75 
48. Saint John's Girls       51.45 
49. Silhouettes              50.15 
50. Floridians               49.95 
51. Mello-Dears              49.65 
52. Holy Family Defenders    44.90 
53. Appleknockers            40.55 
54. Legion Vanguard          40.20 
55. Les Chatelaines          39.95 
56. 84th Bucktail Regiment   27.00 
57. E. Scarborough Kinsmen   22.80

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