2024 SoundSport International Music & Food Festival


SoundSport International Music & Food Festival Results

Bluecoats Rhythm IN BLUE    
Gold Rating

Minnesota Brass    
Gold Rating

Northern Lights Drum & Bugle Corps    
Gold Rating

Gold Rating

Frankton/Lapel Marching Band    
Gold Rating

Gold Rating

Montgomery County United Band    
Gold Rating

Golden Pride Marching Band    

Sonus Brass Theater    
Gold Rating

Knights Legacy    
Gold Rating

Gold Rating

Steel City Ambassadors    
Silver Rating

Northview Marching Band    
Silver Rating

Latrobe Music Center    
Silver Rating

Silver Rating

Jacksonville Drumline Institute    
Silver Rating

Bishop Dwenger Marching Band    
Silver Rating

Green Beret Marching Band    
Silver Rating

Alexandria Marching Tigers    
Silver Rating

IPS Combined Marching Band    
Silver Rating

Southwestern Marching Band    
Silver Rating

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