Final 2008 DCI rules vote tallies


Sunday, January 27, 2008 – 10:30 AM

On Saturday night at the Drum Corps International Annual Meeting & Conference Weekend, the instructors’ caucus voted to send on four proposals to be considered and voted on by the DCI Board of Directors.

Those four proposals include for the allowance of water to be used on the field, for the allowed use of horns to be amplified, for electronic instruments to be allowed in the front ensemble and for the judges’ general effect panel to be doubled for the World Championships week.

All four proposals are the same as originally proposed except for the following: The DCI Judge Administrator has the option of using double general effect panels at DCI regional events and only soloists and small ensemble of 12 members or less may be utilized should the brass amplification proposal pass.

The current DCI Board of Directors voted on the proposals. The new board that came about as a result of the new governance structure will become effective upon the close of the DCI Annual Meeting.

Double the adjudication effect panel for the World Championships
This proposal was passed unanimously by the instructors’ caucus. The DCI Board of Directors also passed it unanimously. It will become effective for the 2008 season.

Allow for use of water on the field (for 2009 implementation)
George Hopkins, the director of the Cadets, was asked to explain the proposal to the board prior to the vote. Hopkins explained that as currently written, the rule prohibiting water also includes a prohibition on use of water in the front ensemble.

The proposal passed 17-4 in the instructors’ caucus and passed 16-2 by the Board of Directors.

Amplification of brass instruments (for 2009 implementation)
George Hopkins explained that this proposal would allow for soloists and small ensembles up to 12 members.

The proposal passed 16-5 in the instructors’ caucus and passed 11-7 by the Board of Directors.

Use of electronic instruments (for 2009 implementation)
In discussion prior to the vote, George Hopkins spoke of a presentation offered on Saturday by the Tarpon Springs High School band, which demonstrated the possibilities and logistical concerns of electronics on the field. Greg Orwoll of the Colts addressed concerns about the financial and competitive aspects of the use of electronics.

The proposal passed in the instructors’ caucus 20-0-1 and passed 11-7 by the Board of Directors.

Instructors recommend four rule proposals to board of directors

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