2024 DCI World Championship Prelims

Indianapolis, IN
August 8, 2024

World Class
 1. Bluecoats            97.525
 2. Boston Crusaders     96.600
 3. Blue Devils          95.875
 4. Carolina Crown       94.313
 5. Phantom Regiment     94.275
 6. Santa Clara Vanguard 93.000
 7. Mandarins            91.225
 8. Blue Stars           90.550
 9. Colts                89.350
10. The Cavaliers        88.212
11. Troopers             87.963
12. Madison Scouts       86.575
13. Pacific Crest        84.988
14. Blue Knights         84.813
15. Crossmen             84.525
16. Spirit of Atlanta    82.675
17. The Academy          81.775
18. Music City           81.550
19. Spartans             81.038
20. Blue Devils B        80.600
21. Genesis              78.375
22. Gold                 77.525
23. Seattle Cascades     77.225
24. Jersey Surf          75.813
25. The Battalion        75.350
26. Columbians           75.200
27. River City Rhythm    74.075
28. Raiders              71.300
29. Colt Cadets          70.500
30. 7th Regiment         68.800
31. Les Stentors         66.075


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