2024 DCI All-Age World Championship

Indianapolis, IN
August 10, 2024

All-Age - World Class
1. Reading Buccaneers     95.925
2. Hawthorne Caballeros   93.825
3. Bushwackers            92.625
4. Atlanta CV             89.575
5. Connecticut Hurricanes 86.800

All-Age - Open Class
1. Cincinnati Tradition   87.475
2. White Sabers           86.775
3. Rogues Hollow Regiment 83.025
4. Fusion Core            82.125

All-Age - A Class
1. Govenaires             80.775
2. Sunrisers              79.175
3. New York Skyliners     76.750
4. Columbus Saints        71.500


One thought on “2024 DCI All-Age World Championship”

  1. I have been a Drum And Bugle Corps follower since my teens a long time ago and have gone for years to watch the Bucs sail on. I just wanted to congratulate them on another year well done. They continue to be the best. I also had a workplace Friend that was a member even with the Alumni group. Keep up the great work Team.

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